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Published on 17.02.2022

Ayran Semolina Cake

Written by Tina Pitter
Ayran Semolina Cake

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Cooking on board is getting more popular. Many of our customers cook on board themselves and are very happy to post their dishes. That is always a special pleasure for us. Above all, we have also heard that more and more men on board are swinging the cooking spoon.

Chefs Judith and Volkan from Pitter Basis in Göcek, Turkey

We are therefore very pleased to present you the recipe for Ayran semolina cake, a Turkish dessert. It was cooked by our base manager Volkan and his wife Judith from our Pitter base in Göcek.

What is Ayran?

Ayran is a drink from the Near East, mainly from Turkey and the Caucasus. It is usually prepared on the basis of yoghurt, water and salt. Ayran is very refreshing and is a popular drink, especially in Turkey, as a snack to cool off in the summer heat. But it also takes some getting used to and not everyone likes Ayran.

When is the best time to eat the Ayran semolina cake?

The cake can already be enjoyed on board for breakfast or afternoon coffee. Especially in spring it is not yet too warm for sweet pastries. But let's face it, even in the summertime, it's nice to enjoy a cake after lunch, isn't it? The Turks prefer hearty breakfasts such as white bread, olives, vegetables, feta cheese or scrambled eggs and rather no desserts. Sweets are usually eaten in the evening, because the main meal of the day is dinner in Turkey.

Ayran semolina cake is a popular dessert in Turkish cuisine. This dessert is a dream, especially for those with a sweet tooth.

What ingredients are needed for the Ayran semolina cake?

For the semolina dough:

  • 500 g durum wheat semolina
  • 1 pack of baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 250 g sugar
  • 500 ml of Ayran, yogurt
  • 100 g coconut chips

For the cream:

  • 5 leaves of gelatin
  • 500 ml of Ayran, yogurt
  • 75 g sugar
  • 4 TL lemon juice
  • 250 ml whipped cream
  • 1 pack cream stabilizer


  • 26er Springform, lined with baking paper & buttered on the edges

How is the Ayran semolina cake prepared?

    Step 1: Preheat the oven to 160 ° C top / bottom heat. Line the bottom of the sprinform with baking paper & lightly grease the edge. Fort he dough mix the semolina and baking powder in a bowl.

    Step 2: Whisk the eggs & sugar with the hand mixer in a mixing bowl until creamy. Then alternately stir in semolina & Ayran & finally fold in the coconut chips. Fill the dough into the baking tin & bake for about 50 min on the middle rack. Let it rest briefly in the baking tin, then loosen carefully by running a knife round the edge & put the cake on a cooling rack and let cool down.

    Step 3: In the meantime, soak the gelatin in the cold Ayran for the Ayran cream for a few minutes, then press it out a little & melt in a hot water bath. Stir a few tablespoons of Ayran into the gelatin, pour everything into the remaining Ayran while stirring constantly. Finally stir in the sugar and lemon juice for about 20 min. - not much longer! - refrigerate

    Step 4: In the meantime, whip the cream with cream stabilizer until firm & carefully fold it under the cooled Ayran mixture. Cover and put it in the fridge to set. Stir again for serving & either spread over the cake or serve as cream.

    A little tip: If you like it sweet, you can pour a little raspberry syrup over the cake just before serving. If you have no Ayran at home you can also use yogurt.

    Tina Pitter
    Tina Pitter
    Author of the article


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