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Published on 04.10.2022

Klaus Pitter recommends his octopus salad

Written by Tina Pitter
Klaus Pitter recommends his octopus salad

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Autumn, the ideal time to really enjoy the board kitchen, isn't it?

Many customers are still on the road, wonderful photos reach us from our autumn sailors. Many take us on their journey with us on Instagram and Facebook – it really gets you in the mood for the sea and sailing. Our customers are also real chefs - it's hard to believe what is often conjured up in the pantry.

Klaus Pitters favourite on-board kitchen menue

Fish dishes should not be missing in the Mediterranean cuisine, including octopus dishes. Klaus Pitter's delicious octopus salad, which is at the top of the recipe list for his on-board kitchen on each of his sailing trips, is always served. No matter the season, octopus salad is a must when sailing in Croatia.

How does the octopus salad taste best?


Of course, the octopus salad tastes best when the octopus is freshly caught. In Croatia there are also great fish markets, where you can always buy fish octopus. For everyone who finds catching and carving up the octopus too tedious. Octopus salad is a great appetizer, but also ideal as a main course. With potatoes and finely chopped tomatoes, the octopus becomes a real treat. Of course, Croatian olive oil should not be missing. Then some white bread as a side dish and the octopus salad becomes a feast for the palate.

How does Klaus Pitter prepare the octopus salad?

Step 1: Self caught octopus - clean well and freeze it first (so that it doesn‘t become tough).

Step 2: Then slowly thaw again. Cook in a large saucepan with a little bit of salt, peppercorns, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, lemon wedges, thyme and a bay leaf (1/2 - 1 hour, depending on the size, let it rest in the pot for a little longer).

Tip: An old Croatian cooking wisdom says that the octopus becomes even more tender if you cook a cork withit!

Step 3: Boil a few potatoes and add them to the salad in small cubes. Cut the cooked octopus into bite-sized pieces and season with onions, garlic, vinegar and plenty of olive oil.

Step 4: If you want, you can also cut a few tomatoes and add them.

Well, fancy this galley recipe? We look forward to you cooking Klaus Pitter's octopus salad and sharing your on-board kitchen with us on our Instagram channel. Just tag us @pitteryachtcharter and use the hashtag #pitteryachtcharter.

Have fun cooking!

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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