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Published on 06.01.2022

Mediterranean fish soup

Written by Tina Pitter
Mediterranean fish soup

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With our delicious recipes you can easily bring the popular delicacies of your holiday destination home. Recipes to cook at home and tasty ideas for your galley on your next trip. There are more recipes to follow on our blog, be curious!

Try one of Klaus Pitter's favorite recipes, his Mediterranean fish soup. The Pitter employees were also able to test the Mediterranean fish soup at the Mother's Day party 2020 in the office and found it great, in any case nothing was left. The Mediterranean fish soup is simply a must in Croatian cuisine, whether cooked yourself or enjoyed in a tavern, it should not be missing on any yacht charter in Croatia.

Bring a piece of vacation home and enjoy the Mediterranean fish soup.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 1/2 tsp saffron threads
  • 3 tsp oil
  • 2 large onions cut into thin slices
  • 1 stick of leek, (only the white part), minced
  • 4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 bay leaf crushed
  • ½ tsp dried Marjoram
  • ½ tsp Orange zest
  • 2 tablespoon dry white wine
  • 1 red paprika (cutted into bite-sized peaces)
  • 2 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 125 ml tomato puree
  • 500 ml fishfond
  • 500 g fish or seafood, cutted into bite-sized peaces, skinless filet waxy e.g. codfish, monkfish, hake, sea bass or various seafood
  • Salt & pepper
  • 3 tablespoon fresh minced parsley


Step 1: Soak the saffron threads in 2 tablespoons of boiling water.

Step 2: Heat the oil in a cast iron pan on low heat.  Add onion, leek, garlic, bay leaf and marjoram and cook for 10 minutes . Tilt the pan from time to time. Add orange zest, wine, pepper and tomatoes. Continue cooking for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Add tomato paste and puree, fish fond, sugar and saffron (with liquid). Let it boil while stirring, simmer for 15 minutes on low heat without a lid.

Step 4: Add the fish and simmer it for 8 minutes (covered). Stir in the salt and pepper and half of the parsley. Remove the bay leaf. Sprinkle with parsley for serving. Serve with crispy bread.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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