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Published on 10.02.2022

Mussels with Skordalia

Written by Tina Pitter
Mussels with Skordalia

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The taste of Greece - pure holiday feeling with mussels

The season will start again soon. In Greece, pleasant temperatures already lure in spring for a perfect sailing trip. In order to shorten the waiting time until your first sailing holiday in Greece, we bring the taste of Greece home now.

What is Greek cuisine?

Greek cuisine is one of the oldest and healthiest in the world. The Greeks also have a relaxed lifestyle. The kitchen mostly uses natural ingredients such as native olive oil, fresh vegetables and herbs, juicy citrus fruits, fish, low-fat and low-calorie meat and dairy products made from goats and sheep's milk.

In Greece, not much value is placed on a hearty start with breakfast eggs and all the trimmings. Instead, you can enjoy lunch together, followed by a siesta until 5 p.m. and a hearty dinner, usually from 8 p.m.

Do you know why Greek dishes are often served lukewarm?

The sunny Mediterranean climate is probably the reason for dishes served lukewarm. This means that if you get a lukewarm lunch or a cold dinner in a tavern, this does not indicate bad hospitality. The Greeks just like to enjoy their food lukewarm. If you want your food hot, just let the waiter know by saying "Zesty, parakalo" (Hot, please).

How are mussels with skordalia prepared?

Our Skordalia mussel recipe, cooked by our base manager Alex Karakostas in Volos, can be enjoyed for both lunch and dinner. Skordalia is a traditional Greek potato-garlic paste and is an integral part of Greek cuisine. The simplest recipes are probably the best recipes, because Skordalia consists of potatoes and lots of garlic. Please use good virgin olive oil, Skordalia is also often served as a dip or appetizer in Greece.

Tip: It is best to let the skordalia soak for a few hours or even overnight, so it tastes even more intense. Skordalia can also be prepared with white bread instead of potatoes. Walnuts as a topping round off the taste.

What ingredients are needed?

  • Mussels (as many as you like)
  • 3 potatoes
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • some vinegar
  • Salt and pepper

Preparation steps:

Step 1: Thaw the frozen mussels, wash and drain well. Roll in flour and fry in hot olive oil. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with lemon juice and serve with the skordalia.

If you have fresh mussels, they must first be brushed and the beard removed.

Step 2: For the skordalia, boil the potatoes until they are soft and peel. Finely puree the remaining ingredients in a blender. Then add the still hot potatoes and mix again briefly.

In addition to skordalia, mussels are also very popular with tomato sauce. Simply use 400 g of canned tomatoes, crushed or diced, seasoned with salt, sugar and pepper.

What should be considered when preparing the mussels?

Tip: When cleaning the mussels, do not use those that are already open or those that cannot be closed with light pressure. Mussels that cannot be opened after cooking should also be discarded.

What should be considered when freezing mussels?

A freezer-safe plastic container should be used to store the mussels. These can be sealed airtight and thus prevent moisture from penetrating. Mussels should only be kept in the freezer for a maximum of 3 months. The reason is that the protein also decomposes and the mussels can no longer be opened.

We wish you a lot of fun cooking.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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