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Published on 01.02.2022

Sarma cabbage rolls

Written by Tina Pitter
Sarma cabbage rolls

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Sarma cabbage rolls from Croatian cuisine

Sarma cabbage rolls, ideal for cooking at home now, because the healthy vegetable cabbage is very rich in vitamins, especially in winter. The "Vitamin Sea" is available on board during your next sailing trip. Culinary should not be forgotten on any holiday. We all agree on that. Because especially on holiday you have enough time to eat in peace and try out various regional delicacies, whether you cook on board yourself or enjoy the dishes in a tavern.

What distinguishes Croatian cuisine?

Croatia is very diverse in the kitchen, meat dishes, fish and sea specialties, hearty soups, bacon, cheese, ham, stews, vegetables, potatoes as a side dish, but our cabbage rolls can also be found on the menu.

Are there differences between the regions?

When it comes to culinary delights, our destinations in Croatia leave nothing to be desired. Croatian cuisine has always been subject to change and is often referred as "regional cuisine". Why? Croatia's cuisine is very diverse and has influences from various regions, e.g. Austria and Hungary, especially in the north and north-west. The cuisine of the coastal regions is characterized by influences from Greek, Roman and Illyrian as well as modern Mediterranean cuisine, especially French and Italian cuisine. Our sailing areas are as diverse as the Croatian cuisine.

Experience culinary delights in any of our sailing areas

How are Sarma cabbage rolls prepared?

In our recipe you will find the exact instructions with a list of ingredients and precise instructions for the preparation. Klaus Pitter is very happy to prepare this delicacy for his family. Sarma cabbage rolls are one of his favorite dishes.

Ingredients for 5 persons:

  • 1 cabbage
  • 500 g minced meat
  • 3 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 tablespoon paprika
  • 2 teaspoon salt & pepper
  • 1 coffee cup rice
  • 3 bay leaves
  • oil
  • water
  • Rasher of bacon or spare ribs (app. 1/2 cm sliced!)


Step 1: Abundance of minced meat: Cut the onions into small cubes and fry them glassy in oil. Add minced meat and carrots and braise them lightly for 7 min.. Add rice and paprika and simmer them for app. 10 min. Set aside and let cool slightly

Step 2: Detach the leaves from the cabbage head and remove the stalk. Put the remains of the cabbage and the bay leaves in a large saucepan. In the middle of each leaf of cabbage, put the minced meat on top and roll it to a roulade. Put them into the saucepan as tightly as possible and fill with water. Put the bacon or spare ribs between the roulades and boil on high heat, then simmer it on a low flame for about 4 hours.

Step 3: Plate the roulades with a piece of bacon / spare rib, sprinkle with meat juice and serve with boiled potatoes or sole.

Would you like to try this dish yourself? Yes, then we look forward to a photo or video on Facebook or Instagram. Please tag us with @pitteryachtcharter. Then we can also share your great dish with our community. Of course we are also interested in how you like the Sarma cabbage rolls à la Klaus Pitter. Have fun cooking & meal.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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