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Published on 24.07.2022

Beach cleaning and handicrafts with flotsam

Written by Tina Pitter
Beach cleaning and handicrafts with flotsam

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Do something good with beach cleaning and at the same time bring some holiday feeling home with self-made decorations made of flotsam. Have you seen our blog post handicrafts with flotsam, environmental and species protection? Here we have provided even more ideas for handicrafts for you and your kids.

Maritime decorations with flotsam

A few shells in a vase in the bathroom, a holiday photo in a picture frame decorated with shells bring back memories of the last cruise. With a little imagination, a great work of art can also be created from rubbish washed up on the beach. Going for walks together on the beach looking for shells, there is never a dull moment. At home you can then use it to make the most beautiful maritime decorations.

If you are not a big fan of handicrafts and therefore do not want any handicraft material for home in the form of flotsam, you can do something good with Beach Cleaning on your daily shore leave. Keep an eye out for what the sea has washed up on that doesn't belong there. Children in particular love such ideas, are busy and at the same time do something for the environment around us.

A little tip: It is often enough if everyone collects a different color of plastic bottle caps to have a sand bucket full of rubbish. Crown caps, which are often found in small harbor towns with public beaches, can also be collected. This can be used to lay magnificent mosaics.


Unfortunately, far too much garbage still ends up in the sea. You wouldn't believe what ends up in the sea, washed up or simply dumped on the coasts and beaches and disposed of. With a little creativity you can also find a lot of useful handicraft material such as leftover tiles, wooden parts and various plastic parts that can be used for handicrafts.

Of course, as a sailor, you can't take everything with you and tinker or dispose of it properly, but every contribution to beach cleaning counts. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference. You will also find many tips on environmental protection and sailing in our environmental brochure.

Pitter Yachtcharter is a member of Green Sail and supports Living Ocean, the Austrian organization for marine and climate protection. For the sake of our environment!

Have fun walking on the beach and doing handicrafts at home after the trip.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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