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Published on 24.07.2024

Saving the last Adriatic dolphins: How you can help on your sailing holiday

Written by Tina Pitter
Saving the last Adriatic dolphins: How you can help on your sailing holiday

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The Adriatic dolphins, especially the bottlenose dolphin, are an exceptional natural treasure of Croatia. These majestic animals stay near the Croatian coast and islands all year round, often less than 5 kilometers from the shore.

➡️ Unfortunately, they are critically endangered: the small population only comprises 220 – 250 individuals.

Dangers and protective measures

The threats to the Adriatic dolphins are diverse - from natural threats to human influences. This makes it all the more important to support projects that are committed to protecting them.

The Society for the Rescue of Dolphins has launched such a project with the “Rescue of the Last Adriatic Dolphins”. The objectives of this project include:

  • Recording and researching the population: Regular sightings and reports help to monitor the population.
  • Rescue operations: If dolphins are injured or stranded, rapid rescue measures can be initiated.
  • Determining the causes of death: Reports of dolphins found dead are crucial to researching the causes and preventing future deaths.

How can you help?

During your sailing holiday you can actively contribute to protecting the Adriatic dolphins:

  • Report dolphin sightings: Online or use the new, free sighting app to document dolphin sightings. This data provides important information about the population and behavior of the dolphins.
  • Reporting injured or dead dolphins: This information is particularly important for rapid rescue operations and to determine the causes of death.

Possibility to report dolphins

Why are projects like this important?

The dolphins in the Adriatic are not only a fascinating sight, but also an indicator of the health of the marine ecosystem. Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to see these impressive animals in the wild knows how unique the experience is. 🐬 But in order to be able to enjoy this experience in the future, it is important to act now.

Our tip for your next sailing holiday

Start your sailing trip in Croatia and at the same time support the protection of the Adriatic dolphins with your sighting report. Sailing and dolphins - an unforgettable experience not to be missed! 😊

Together we can help ensure that the Adriatic dolphins continue to live in our seas in the future!

This blog post is not only intended to provide information about the threats and protective measures for the Adriatic dolphins, but also shows how easily everyone can actively help as a citizen researcher. Visit the Society for the Rescue of Dolphins website and learn more about dolphins and the ways you can support their work to protect dolphins - for you and the dolphins.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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