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Published on 01.04.2022

My first sailing trip

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My first sailing trip

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My first time sailing - an unforgettable experience

Our colleague Monika, who also likes to spend her private holidays on the water on a sailing yacht and is now even doing her sailing license, the Croatian coastal patent, was also traveling to Croatia last year with her family. Her niece Tina, 14 years old, was on board for the first time.

Kathrin, our colleague from the social media team, interviewed Tina about her first sailing trip. First of all, a big thanks to Tina for your detailed report on your first sailing trip. Of course, questions always arise when booking a sailing holiday for the first time. Anyone who is still unsure whether a sailing holiday is the right holiday should definitely read to the end. Let's go …

How did you feel when your parents told you that you were going on a sailing vacation?

When it first came up that we could go on a sailing holiday, I was hooked right away. Spending the whole day on the open sea with a refreshing breeze in your hair while the sun is shining down – I liked the idea.

How did you imagine your first sailing trip?

I have always loved holidays by the sea and once the sailing holiday was a done deal I was looking forward to seeing a different side of Croatia and having new experiences. I didn't really have any precise ideas about the boat or the daily routine beforehand, but I let myself be surprised.

Would you like to tell us about your trip?

The arrival was quite relaxed, I was used to the long car journeys from other holidays. While our sailboat was still being serviced, we found a restaurant for lunch and then strolled around the harbor with these impressive ships in mind and the anticipation in our stomachs.

After we finally put our luggage down and our skipper, my uncle, gave us some basic knowledge (What our route were, how to untie the boat and roll up the ropes, how to flush the toilet...), we finally cast off and left the Port of Split while the sun was already setting on the horizon.

Our crew consisted of 9 members of my family, only 2 of whom actually had previous experience. My grandmother and my mom had had the most doubts before. What if you got seasick? Did the nine of us even have enough space? As it turned out, the previously bought medicine against seasickness was taken care of and the sailboat had enough storage space for all of us. Nevertheless, we mostly stayed on deck, where entertaining conversations and my uncle's amusing sayings were on the daily agenda. I didn't have any time at all for the book I took with me - the sailing and the regular bathing stops were a lot more exciting.

What did you particularly like about the sailing holiday compared to a hotel holiday?

Compared to a "normal" holiday with accommodation on the mainland, it was more practical that we already had all our bathing suits on board. As a result, we didn't have to drag them to the beach first to maybe fight for our spot there, but could jump straight into the water.

It was also interesting to experience live how much has to be done on such a sailing boat. But by the third day at the latest we had all gotten the hang of it and it only took a few minutes until the fenders were dangling from the sides, the ropes were tight and the boat was firmly moored.

Eating on board or rather in a tavern?

In the evening we (with one exception) always went ashore, where we looked for a restaurant near the port. During the night the boat lay surprisingly motionless in the calm waters of the harbour. All you could hear was the lapping of the waves as they lapped gently against the boat's outer walls and the occasional tinkling of the mast of a neighboring boat.

One day we spent the night on a buoy. That's when our dinghy came into use, because three of our crew members went ashore in it. The supplier then brought the pizza to us on a motor boat and so we had dinner on the boat.

What is your resume of your first sailing holiday?

I really enjoyed this special experience and I would happily agree to another sailing holiday with my family or friends at any time.


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