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Croatia Coast Cup

Croatia Coast Cup


15.10. - 21.10.2022

Croatia Coast Cup

Date: 15.10. - 21.10.2022
Route: Biograd - Split - Biograd

Dear Participants of the Croatia Coast Cup 2022!

The Croatia Coast Cup 2022 is over. We are very happy that so many regatta friends took part and congratulate all winners. Whether you win or not, at a Pitter Regatta the focus is on fun, team spirit and being together - all of this makes the Croatia Coast Cup what it is!

The next Croatia Coast Cup will take place in 2024. As soon as the exact date is fixed, we will announce it here. For everyone who wants to experience the ultimate regatta feeling again next year: Registration for the Kornati Cup 2023 is already open! ;)

Your Pitter Yachtcharter Regatta Team

Motivated Participants
Great Teams
Different Nations
Fantastic Regatta Days


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Pitter Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Raimund-Obendrauf-Straße 30
8230 Hartberg, Österreich

Office Hours:
Monday till Friday: 8 am - 6 pm

Booking Office Austria: +43 3332 66240

E-mail address:

Toll free (from Germany): 0800 182 1868

Toll free (from Switzerland): 0800 564 120

Toll free (from Italy): 800 172 693

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