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Published on 07.06.2022

Finally sailing - tips for the check-in at the base

Written by Tina Pitter
Finally sailing - tips for the check-in at the base

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Your well-deserved sailing vacation is finally upon and there are only a few days left until your sailing trip starts. All crew members are certainly looking forward to their vacation. Especially if it is the 1st sailing trip, one is particularly excited about what to expect and what the holiday will be like.

One more step on site before you finally go on board and that is the check-in at the base. So that you can board quickly and start your journey, we give you tips for a smooth check-in.

Start your holiday well prepared

In order for the check-in to go faster, you should take a few things into account before you start your sailing trip. So there is a win-win situation. Our employees can prepare themselves well for you and your crew and you can start your trip earlier.

Boarding pass: Why is the boarding pass important?

After you have fully paid for your charter, you have already received the boarding pass with all the important information about your sailing destination and all the necessary contact details. The best thing to do is to read it carefully again before your trip, because even if you have already sailed with Pitter Yachtcharter, something can change at any time. Just an example would be that our charter office in Biograd is in a different place. It's not far from the original office, but if you know what's going on, you won't be wandering around somewhere in the marina, but will find the check-in office right away. 

In your boarding pass you will find all the information on how to get here, the parking situation, supermarket, payment options, etc. On the website we have provided you with a lot of interesting information about your holiday destination.

Crew List: Why is the Crew List important?

The crew list should be completed at least 1 week before the start of the charter. As soon as you book you will also receive the link to the online crew list with each payment confirmation and finally with the boarding pass. In most cases, the crew is already known at the time of booking - hence a tip from our side to avoid stress before the start of the journey: fill in the data right at the beginning. Changes can be made at any time. Please fill in all data completely. The more precisely it is filled out, the faster the check-in will be. If no crew list is filled out, a delay in check-in must also be expected. The crew list is an official document that is sent to the ministry on the check-in day and therefore the completeness and correctness of the data is essential.

  • If you have booked a skipper, his data will be filled in by the base. The booked skipper does not have to be listed in the crew list.

Arrival Time - Why is arrival time important?

Your crew list must also include the arrival time. Indicating the arrival time helps the base to coordinate the cleaning teams and the service team more efficiently. Don't get us wrong though, that doesn't mean the ship is ready at that time. An early check-in can be booked separately - but availability is also limited here.

But don't worry, you can never be at your holiday destination too early. Because every base has its own special features and the holiday can begin immediately. Whether it's a little stroll through town, a leisurely ice cream, a small snack or even shopping for provisions - the holiday begins as soon as you start at home.

If you are late, which of course can also happen, please let the base know. You will find the contact details in the boarding pass. If you arrive very late, a check-in for the next day may be arranged, because a good check-in also takes time and our team is happy to take this time for each guest. 

Finally arrived - now it's time to start with the check-in on site

Important: The check-in always consists of two parts.

  • Beginning with the handling of all formalities in the charter office
  • and then the technical check-in takes place with the technician on board the yacht.

What documents are required?

In order to be able to check-in for you as quickly as possible, please have the following documents ready:

  • ID: Please bring your passport or ID card with you. We also recommend making a copy of it or taking a picture of it, just in case it gets lost.

  • Crew list in copy

  • Original skipper license

  • Boarding pass

  • Charter contract in copy

Cash or by credit card – how to pay what?

Your boarding pass will state which additional services are to be paid for, in which currency and whether these can be paid for in cash or by credit card. Please also note that a deposit for any damage must be paid in cash or by credit card. This always depends on your booked holiday destination. It is therefore important that you read the boarding pass carefully before you arrive!

As soon as you have successfully completed the formal check-in at the charter office, the skipper will be informed when the yacht is ready for the technical inspection.

Now it's time for the technical check-in of the yacht

After the formal check-in has been completed and the yacht is ready to be cleaned and serviced, the skipper can board with the co-skipper. In the meantime, the luggage stays in the car (if you are arriving by plane, there is space for it in the office) and the crew can wait comfortably with a cool drink in the next bar. The skipper receives a check-in list, which he uses to check the ship himself together with his co-skipper. This helps to get to know the ship better and questions or deficiencies are noted and then clarified with the Pitter technician. All questions are clarified together with the technician and there is an introduction to the on-board electronics, a check of the toilets, instruction in the engine compartment, a check of all safety-related equipment and information about all valves on board.

  • You can also view many helpful tips in short videos in our login area on the website. Simply register at the top right under Login.

Why can it happen that you wait longer on the ship for the technician to come?

Please do not get impatient if a technician is not immediately available. There may be delays, especially in the high season. Our ship supervisors always work as a team and it can happen that all hands are needed to get the ship ready for the next guest due to major damage. We ask for your understanding, but we really want every guest to have a well-deserved sailing trip.

  • Of course, after consultation with the office, the refrigerator can be filled with provisions - this is very important, especially in summer.

When is the earliest I can check in?

Normally check-in is possible till 5 p.m. However, this time is not set in stone. It depends on a variety of factors whether your yacht may be ready a little earlier or whether there may be delays. One of the biggest factors is the condition in which the yacht was returned by the previous crew. Is there damage or other technical defects that need to be fixed? Will the ship be left swept clean as agreed or must all the rubbish be disposed of by the cleaning staff before the scheduled work can begin?

  • Therefore, always think of the next crew, who are already looking forward to your vacation.

Is there also an early check-in?

Yes, an early check-in must be booked directly with the charter booking. Only an agreement with the charter office that an earlier check-in can be made is not an early check-in. The early check-in enables you to take over the booked yacht between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Only a certain contingent is available for early check-in. Therefore, when making your booking, ask whether an early check-in is still possible. However, an earlier takeover can never be 100% guaranteed. It always depends on the condition in which the yacht was left by the previous crew and whether repairs are necessary.

  • Pitter stands for service and quality at fair prices. We always try to hand over our yachts as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the above points can only lead to a delay. We therefore ask for your understanding.

Our tips for a relaxed start to your holiday

  • Your vacation begins as soon as you leave home.
  • Pack your car the evening before and go through everything with a travel checklist to make sure you have everything with you.
  • Treat yourself to a good portion of sleep and start your holiday stress-free in the morning. Contact your base along the way and inquire when your yacht is expected to be ready. So you can plan a shorter or longer break when you arrive.
  • Please let our teams on the bases do their job and then go relaxed to your yacht for takeover. Please leave your luggage in the car until you know when you can board - the provisions can be stowed in the refrigerator upon arrival after consultation with the base.
  • Waiting with the luggage trolley at the pier until the cleaning staff has finished does not speed up the check-in process. We have enough space for your luggage - just ask in the office.

With all of this information and tips, you're sure to have a relaxed start to your vacation. We look forward to welcoming you on board soon.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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Pitter Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Raimund-Obendrauf-Straße 30
8230 Hartberg, Österreich

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Monday till Friday: 8 am - 6 pm

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