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Published on 14.06.2022

How do I behave properly on the pier?

Written by Tina Pitter
How do I behave properly on the pier?

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We know you can hardly wait to start your well-deserved sailing trip. It's the same for us. Arrived at the base, you first go to the charter office for check-in. We already reported on this in our last blog post Finally Sailing - Tips for Check-In at the base.

In spring and autumn it is usually even quieter, but in the summer months there is a lot going on at the pier. Not only the guests who come back and leave, but above all the entire team, which always strives to get the yachts ready for you - the next guest - as quickly as possible, are hustling around at the pier. Our aim is always to hand over the yacht clean and in a technically perfect condition.

Correct behaviour on the charter pier

To ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible for everyone, especially at peak times, we have summarized a few tips on how to behave on the pier so that you can start your holiday stress-free and safely.

  • Get in touch with the base on the way to your holiday destination - this will give you a guide time for a possible check-in. You can then plan a longer stop at a nice spot or visit a restaurant before you come to the base for check-in.
  • Please keep luggage and rubbish bags clear of the walkways.
  • Only when the yacht is free, take a luggage trolley. Please ask our staff where you can store your luggage if you arrive by plane. If you arrive by car, please leave your luggage in the car until the yacht is ready for you.
  • Food and drinks that needs to be cooled can be stowed in the on-board refrigerator immediately after consultation with the office.
  • You will be contacted once the yacht is ready for check-in. Until then, you can enjoy the time with a cool drink in the next bar or with a tour of the marina or the promenade. In many destinations there are also sections of beach near the marina where you can cool off. Consider these possibilities when packing - so you are always ready for a bathing stop.
  • The pier must be kept free for the base and cleaning staff so that they can carry out their work quickly without delay.

We wish you a great time by the sea.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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Pitter Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Raimund-Obendrauf-Straße 30
8230 Hartberg, Österreich

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Monday till Friday: 8 am - 6 pm

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