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Published on 14.04.2022

On-board pharmacy for a sailing holiday or a regatta

Written by Tina Pitter
On-board pharmacy for a sailing holiday or a regatta

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Your joy on the next trip on one of our sailing yachts, catamarans, power catamarans or motor yachts in one of our most beautiful sailing areas in Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands and the Caribbean is sure to grow. It doesn't matter whether it starts in spring, in summer or in autumn, everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved break.

Since the next regatta, the Kornati Cup, is also coming up, we have put together valuable tips and information on the travel pharmacy for all holiday and regatta sailors. On board of each yacht there is a first aid kit in accordance with national guidelines. Nevertheless, we recommend that you carry your own on-board pharmacy with you.

What should the on-board pharmacy ideally contain?

Here we give you an overview of which medicines should definitely be included in your on-board pharmacy. If the travel pharmacy kit is complete, there is no need to worry about minor illnesses occurring on board. Most of the time, you don't need them if you bring them with you. The recommendation was made by a very experienced doctor who has been to regattas a few times herself. She is also a passionate diver and works as an emergency doctor. (We do not want to advertise a specific medical product in this blog article, but only make recommendations.)

On-board pharmacy checklist: What basic set of medications do we recommend for your yacht charter?

  • Medicines that have to be taken regularly should be carried in sufficient quantities.
  • Anti-diarrheal medicine (e.g. loperamide and electrolyte-sugar mixture)
  • Medication for fever or pain (e.g. ibuprofen, paracetamol)
  • Antiseptics (e.g. octenidine or polyvidone-iodine solution)
  • sun protection
  • Means to repel insects (e.g. Autan)
  • Ear drops containing antibiotics (e.g. gentamycin) and decongestant nose drops (e.g. xylometazoline)

Which other medicines and other means for treating wounds should not be missing in the on-board pharmacy?

Please note that you cannot rely on good medical care in every region. We therefore recommend including these medications in your on-board pharmacy:

  • Travel sickness medication (such as scopolamine patches or dimenhydrinate)
  • Medicines for cold symptoms (cold, cough, hoarseness)
  • Ointment or gel for sprains or bruises (e.g. Voltaren)
  • Medicines for stomach/intestinal cramps or menstrual problems (e.g. Buscopan)
  • Itching and pain-relieving gel for sunburn or insect bites (e.g. Fenistil)
  • Wound and healing ointment and disinfectants
  • if necessary, a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed by the doctor (e.g. amoxicillin)
  • Gauze (6 and 8 cm wide), elastic bandage (8 cm wide)
  • Plasters and steri-stripes, Peha-haft (adhesive bandages)
  • tweezer
  • scissor
  • disposable gloves
  • safety pins
  • clinical thermometer
  • Glasses wearers: spare glasses or contact lenses

What else should sailors take with them?

  • Bandage material: bandage, sterile compresses, triangular cloth, tape
  • Skin and soft tissues: lip protection, blister plasters
  • Food supplement, e.g. mineral salt mixture or vitamin supplements
  • Medicine for seasickness e.g. Sea Gum

What else should you consider?

  • Known medicine intolerance (best to write it down on a piece of paper together with the long-term medication, previous illnesses and personal data
  • when taking your medication please pay attention to the time differences 
  • Import restrictions on certain medicines
  • recommended / required vaccinations
  • climatic factors: Please note that most medicines should not be stored above 35 degrees. Do not expose your on-board pharmacy to direct sunlight

So, get your on-board pharmacy ready early - then you won't have to think about it later and can enjoy a carefree and safe yacht holiday or sail a successful regatta. We look forward to welcoming you back on board soon.

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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