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Published on 03.04.2024

The brand new BAVARIA C46 - a sailing dream on the water

Written by Tina Pitter
The brand new BAVARIA C46 - a sailing dream on the water

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The sailing world has a new addition in the form of the brand-new BAVARIA C46! This impressive sailing boat combines modern design, optimum space and outstanding sailing characteristics in a harmonious overall package.

Experience the BAVARIA C46 up close

🎥 Immerse yourself in our exclusive video and experience the BAVARIA C46 up close, as if you were there in person! ⬇️

Modern design meets comfort

The BAVARIA C46 is packed with clever details that maximize sailing fun and comfort on board. With the typical BAVARIA V-bow and chines, she offers more bright space and a homely atmosphere below deck in the cabins and saloon.

A sailing experience in a class of its own

The C46 was developed to offer sailors an exceptional experience on the water. The great sailing characteristics make the C46 the ideal yacht for your cruise. Experience for yourself what makes the BAVARIA C46 so special and plan your next sailing vacation with this impressive boat! ⛵

Your sailing vacation on the BAVARIA C46

At Pitter Yachtcharter in Croatia you will find 6 BAVARIA C46:

We are looking forward to welcoming you on one of our BAVARIA C46!

Tina Pitter
Tina Pitter
Author of the article


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