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Bavaria Cruiser 46 Rubin

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Cruise training provides sailors with comprehensive preparation for planning and carrying out a multi-day sailing trip. Key aspects such as cruise planning, navigation, meteorology, and boat handling are covered to equip participants for a safe and independent sailing holiday. Theory and practice go hand in hand.

The training involves a real sailing trip, where the crew spends a week onboard with the trainor —just like a holiday trip, but with a focus on intensive learning and practice in a relaxed setting.

Trip Planning & Preparation

• Taking charge of the chartered yacht (check-in)
• Route selection considering weather, wind, and harbor capacity
• Introduction to navigation techniques (chart work, GPS, plotter)
• Weather report and wind forecast analysis
• Provisions and resource planning (food, drinking water, power, fuel)
• Safety onboard, briefing on safety equipment, and emergency procedures
• Safe handling of lines and engine operation

Navigation & Weather

• Planning the entire trip and daily legs
• Reserving berths
• Navigation and assessing potential hazards and shallow waters
• Selecting safe anchor bays with consideration of wind and weather; assessing weather conditions

Sailing Techniques and Maneuvers

• Task delegation and crew involvement
• Collision prevention, right-of-way rules, nautical markers
• Driving techniques, fundamentals, and harbor maneuvers
• Hoisting, trimming, and reefing sails
• Sailing maneuvers, mooring maneuvers, anchoring
• Overnight stays in bays at anchor or on buoys
• Night sailing and approaching harbors at night
• Refueling the sailboat with consideration for weather conditions and potential seasonal congestion at fueling stations

Daily Routine During Trip Training

• Morning: weather briefing, route planning, and resource check
• Day maneuvers: setting the day’s route and practicing navigation, sailing, and harbor maneuvers
• Evening: docking at the harbor, anchoring, or buoy mooring—daily review
• Night sailing: navigating in darkness, light signals, night navigation
• Nighttime harbor maneuvers: safe docking in low light

Our german-speaking trainers bring years of experience as skippers. The order of the training modules will be adjusted according to the weather conditions. Individual wishes from participants can be taken into consideration.

During the training period you will spend the night on the yacht.

Le tariffe includono

  • Our courses include the most important sailing knowledge, which you will receive from our experienced skippers during the training. In this way, you will learn the practical knowledge and skills you need to operate a yacht safely and confidently.

Informazioni importanti

Our GERMAN-SPEAKING instructors bring years of experience as skippers.
The order of the training modules will be adjusted according to the weather conditions.
Individual requests from participants can be taken into consideration.
We return to the harbor every day, and you have the option to stay overnight on the yacht during the training.


Trainings that start on Saturday have a departure time at 14:00.
Training that start on Tuesday have a departure time at 17:00.
Please be at the base 1h before the training begins to have no delays at check-in.


Trainings that start on Saturday and end on Friday have a return time at 16:00.

Disponibile a bordo

The yacht is equipped with essential amenities, including comfortable bedding, safety equipment, navigation tools to ensure a pleasant and secure sailing experience.

Punto di incontro

The meeting point for all participants is in front of the Pitter Yachtcharter office.

Marina Kornati Croazia

Biograd Marina Kornati Croazia

Biograd na Moru si trova sulla costa dalmata tra Vodice e Zara. È uno dei punti di partenza più popolari per un viaggio in barca La base Pitter Yachtcharter di Biograd ispira i velisti con standard di alta qualità e il miglior servizio a prezzi equi.

Esplora la marina


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Impostazioni personalizzate



BARCA: Bavaria Cruiser 46 "Rubin"

Attrezzature di coperta

Anchor linea
Anchor swivel
Ancora principale
Ausiliari di ancoraggio (Riserva di ancoraggio, ancora di rispetto)
Barca gancio (mezzomarinaio)
Black ball
Black conus
Canna d'acqua
Cime di ormeggio
Cuscini pozzetto
Doccetta esterna
Gommone (tender)
Riflettore (Faro)
Round fender
Secchio di plastica
Tanica per gasolio
Tanica per l'acqua
Tavolo pozzetto
Teak pozzetto
Varricello Salpancore


Acqua calda
Bombole del gas
Utensili da cucina

Elettrauto yacht

Carica batterie
Pannelli solari
Prolunga per corrente 220 V
Radio VHF




Casse in pozzetto


Attrezzatura di navigazione
Carte nautiche e nautica guida
Elica di prua
GPS plotter cartografico - Pozzetto
Harbour guides
Riflettore radar
spyglass with bearing compass


Giubbotti di salvataggio
Imbracatura di sicurezza (cinture di sicurezza)
Kit di pronto soccorso (farmacia)
Nebbia corno
Salvagente + Lampeggiante
Segnali di soccorso




Dinghy pompa (pompa aria)
Impeller, V-belt, oilfilter
Repair box for dinghy
Set di attrezzi
17.05. - 23.05.2025
1.030 € - 1.545 €
Prenota ora



Pitter Gesellschaft m.b.H.
Raimund-Obendrauf-Straße 30
8230 Hartberg, Österreich

Orario d‘ufficio:
Dal lunedì al venerdì: 8:00 - 18:00

Booking Office Austria: +43 3332 66240

Indirizzo e-mail:

Toll free (from Germany): 0800 182 1868

Toll free (from Switzerland): 0800 564 120

Toll free (from Italy): 800 172 693

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